How Do You Find the Best Content of My Client?

Certainly! When working with a new client who already has existing content, finding the highest quality topics for new content involves a strategic approach. Here are some steps you can take:

Content Audit:

Start by conducting a thorough content audit of the existing material. Identify the most popular and well-received pieces. Look for content that has generated engagement, comments, or shares. This can provide insights into what topics resonate with the audience.

Competitor Analysis:

Research competitors in the same industry or niche. Analyze their content strategy to identify the topics that perform well for them. This can help you understand what the target audience finds valuable and interesting.

Keyword Research:

Use keyword research tools to identify high-volume and relevant keywords in your client's industry. Look for topics with a good balance of search volume and manageable competition. This can guide you toward creating content that has the potential to rank well in search engines.

Audience Persona Development:

Understand the client's target audience thoroughly. Create detailed audience personas to identify their needs, interests, and pain points. Tailor content topics to address these aspects, ensuring that the content is valuable and relevant to the intended audience.

Social Media Listening:

Monitor social media channels for discussions, trends, and questions related to the client's industry. Social media platforms can provide real-time insights into what topics are currently popular or in demand.

Client Input and Goals:

Have a discussion with the client to understand their business goals, target audience, and any specific topics they would like to prioritize. Aligning content creation with the client's objectives ensures that the content serves a purpose and contributes to overall business strategy.

Industry Trends and News:

Stay updated on industry trends, news, and developments. Writing content that reflects the latest happenings in the industry can position the client as an authoritative source and attract a relevant audience.

Content Gap Analysis:

Identify content gaps in the existing material. Look for areas where the client's content may be lacking or not fully covering important topics. This can guide you in creating complementary content that fills those gaps.

Feedback and Analytics:

Leverage analytics tools to gather insights from the existing content. Pay attention to metrics such as time on page, bounce rate, and user engagement. Additionally, seek feedback from the audience through comments or surveys to understand what they appreciate and what they are looking for.

Evergreen Content:

Consider creating evergreen content that remains relevant over time. While trending topics are valuable, having a mix of evergreen content ensures a steady flow of traffic and sustained interest.

By combining these approaches, you can develop a comprehensive strategy to identify high-quality topics and create content that aligns with the client's goals and audience preferences.

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